The Zanfan Lakay house has grown from Jimmy, the house dad, caring for a few kids on the street to a home of 68 children. When the founders of Grangou first met Jimmy and heard about the ways he was helping the street boys, they asked what he needed and he said one thing:
"a camera."
He wanted a way to keep up with all the boys that were his and remember who all he had taken in at Zakat. Through donations given to Grangou, they provided a camera and eventually a house for these children to live in. One thing I got to do while there was take portraits of the boys so that all the families that are now supporting Grangou, Zanfan Lakay, and the work in Haiti can also now keep up with these same children and many more.
It's amazing how culture to culture there are numerous stories that can be told through a simple portrait . These portraits of faces were a privilege to take as they will inevitably serve a much higher purpose than I could ever devise or establish on my own; and they reminded me that sunlight, a wall, and some beautiful children made in the image of God sometimes speak much louder than we ever could with more stuff in between.
There are 68 faces here.
68 children who now have a home, brothers and sisters, and everything else I so easily take for granted. 68 stories of redemption and hope.
These are the 68 faces of Zanfan Lakay
Check out the story of why we went to Haiti, what we did there, and some things we learned here, here, here, and here.
Have a great week..
and thanks for stopping by!