Sara & Patrick...New Orleans, Louisiana

Parts of New Orleans are simply timeless...

I seem to think it's the trees.

You really can't get more timeless than those trees!!

Add in a super stylish beautiful gal and a handsome man who loves her a lot

and you have a good ole time.

Another timeless South Louisiana element?...


This shoot was one of several this time of year that had a big fat "?" on whether it would happen when it was originally planned.

Sara, Patrick, and I all ended up driving through crazy scattered thunderstorms to make it to downtown Nola where there wasn't a drop to be found.

It was exciting to try to beat the rain....

which we did quite successfully.

The bottom fell out as we walked back to our cars.

Sara and Patrick are getting married next year at The Atlantis Hotel in the Bahamas!

To Sara and Patrick...thanks for sticking out through the rain. You guys are stunning! Here's to an amazing destination wedding:)

These were taken at the Piazza de Italia in downtown Nola and City Park in Mid City Nola

Thanks for stopping by,
